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March 10, 2008


Peggy Payne

Next week I'm teaching a workshop for public school teachers (NCCAT) in North Carolina on the subject of "Writing from Your Roots."

We'll spend half a day on using remembered smells, and I plan to use a bit of this post of yours to present this idea.

Also, British Sterling was pretty wonderful. And Canoe.

Larry Lehmer

Wow, Peggy, a half-day of smells. Aren't you concerned about olfactory overload? Maybe someday I'll do a workshop on tastes/recipes of the past and turn it into a potluck. Sounds like fun, don't you think? I remember British Sterling now that you mention it. Never used it, though. Or Canoe. Good luck with your workshop!

Peggy Payne

I'm going to risk the olfactory overload, Larry, and work in some tastes and music too. Thanks for your good wish.

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